Sunday, July 22, 2012

Metal-Framed Purses

This week has been extremely busy due to finishing Birthday Gift projects for 2 dear girl friends.

I gave the gifts on Saturday and I'm so happy that they like it!

1st set of Purses
2nd set of Purses

This is actually the first time I made a purse using metal-frame and luckily, they came out quite good. Yay~

On an even brighter note, when I met one of my girlfriends in a cafe to pass her the gift, the patrons of the table next to us stared at the red mama-purse (the bigger one), and she asked me where I bought it. Whoaaaa... I'm so incredibly touched and proudly told her than I made them myself. She seemed impressed and complimented that the purse was pretty. I'm so happy that my hard word was acknowledge by a stranger. My girlfriend also teased me saying that maybe I can start making a business out of it. Heehee~


  1. Wowww amazing! Bagus bgt kalah lho sama yg dijual di toko....malah lbh manis, lbh bagus.....and yg bikin harganya jauh lbh berharga itu hand made! Tingkatkan terus lis....hebat bgt nih km bs bikin begini. :-)

  2. Hoho, bagus, kreatif dan lucu ...
