Saturday, April 14, 2012

New Memories != Forgetting Old Memories

"Making new memories to replace bad ones." - This is what I believe would help getting over sad memories of those you want to forget.

And for my case, there are these so-called dates that I wish to forget.

So, there's this one guy that I know and I had a HUGE crush on, but things just didn't work out between us. We've known each other for almost 3 years now, and for 2.5 years, our relationship was strictly professional as we were working in the same office - and the fact that he had higher position didn't help either. Only after the news that he was moving to an overseas that we started having more casual chat sessions. I think it was partly due to him easing up since we would not be working together for long anymore.

On his last full night in Singapore, he texted me and we kept on texting until very late or even almost morning as we only ended it at around 3 AM. And apparently we were texting throughout his outing with his friends (probably having his farewell drinking party). I was surprised - and also flattered - that he kept on texting me though he was with his friends at that moment. I mean, if it was me having my last outing with friends before I left for good to other country, I would not be doing it while texting someone else.

The next day, he had times until midnight as his flight was at 1 AM, and so in the afternoon I texted him, wishing to send him off, but he suggested us to meet in the city instead. And so we did, and it was very fun. Together we were kinda shameless, childlike, and just couldn't care less of what others thought of us, two adults doing stupid stuff together.

Then he left for another continent, and yet we were still chatting, and even more frequent than when we were in the same office. I could feel that it was more casual and friend-like altogether. I suppose being on separated continents did good for our relationship.

Three months after that, he had one day transit in Singapore after his business trip in India. And on that Saturday, he texted me in very late afternoon, asking if I wanted to meet him later that night, and of course I would love to meet him!

So then, we went for dinner and a drink that night. I was very happy seeing him... Even though I also noticed that his grey hair had multiplied compared to the last time I met him... But he was still alive and well, and that was what important.

To cut the story short, we had a fall-out.

I thought that I had a chance with him and that he might have opened up and changed his mind about being single forever, when apparently, he doesn't change at all. He still sticks to his so-called oath to be single and alone forever, and all along he didn't realize that he had led me on by doing what he did. I couldn't say that I wasn't to blame either. I had my share of having too much expectation and wishful thinking and stubborn-ness...

Anyway... it's time to move on!

These dates happened in 2 famous places - landmarks of Singapore that I actually would like to visit again and I don't want to be reminded of our dates or him every time I go there.

The first so-called date was at Esplanade, the famous durian-like-and-inspired-by-Sydney-opera-house landmark in the center of Singapore.

Esplanade at night
Marina Bay Sands

The second one was at Marina Bay Sands, another famous landmark, a new hotel + casino + shopping mall + museum near Esplanade that is always full with tourists from all around the world.

So then I decided I had to make new memories that would replace my old memories... however... things don't always happen as we want them to be...

If anything, all along the outings I had with friends at those two places only reminded me more of him :(


Humm... a dear friend of mine actually said that the easiest way to get over someone is by getting a new one... if only it is THAT easy...

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