Monday, June 18, 2012

Shinhwa The Grand Tour in Singapore 2012 "The Return"

Yes! Yes! Yes!

I went to Shinhwa's concert last Saturday! Woo-hoo~~!!

It took me a long time to decide if I wanted to go to their concert or not.

- the crowd (I don't like too much crowd)
- the screaming (ya know, those girls screaming at every little things their oppas do on stage...sigh...)
- the price (the tickets were not cheap!)

- it's SHINHWA!!!- it's SHINHWA!!!
- it's SHINHWA!!!

So that's it... the cons were defeated easily by the fact that they are SHINHWA!!!

The Ticket

By the time I became a fan of Shinhwa, it was around 2 weeks before their concert. All the good seats (category 1) were sold out, except for the seats on far left/right blocks. So I opted to look for outside seller. I browsed eBay, gumtree, and any local forums to look for anyone selling concert tickets. And luckily I managed to find one ticket, second block from the center, 7th rows, sold for 275 dollars (4 dollars more expensive than the original price - good enough for me).

The Venue

The concert was held in Compass Ballrom, Resort World Sentosa.
I reached there at around 430 PM and there wasn't much people there yet, except a queue for mosh pits.

central entrance

mosh pit queue
a huge Shinhwa poster - a lot of girls had their picture taken in front of this

The official merchandise of this concert included light sticks (sold out), t-shirts, earphone jack cap, boutonniere, clear file set, and posters set. By the time I check the booth, all navy t-shirts were sold out and only left with the white ones (I bought one after a very quick thinking, luckily I didn't take a long time to think and just bought it when I got there, because when I went back from dinner at around 615 PM, all t-shirts were sold out!).

The entrance was opened at around 630 - I got in right away.

the view from my seat - the stage is so close!

cat 1 seats and cat 2 seats at the back

cat 1 seats and cat 3 seats at the left side

The Concert

It started at a few minutes after 7 PM - quite on time.
Phone cameras are allowed in the ballroom, however since there were too many movements from Shinhwa members, it was difficult to get a clear and nice shot.. boo hoo... :-(
Oh well, I just wait for the fan cam pictures.

This is one of the clearest pictures I got from the encore:

The Highlight

- Before the guys went to the stage, a video was played in the big screen, and then the names of the members were shown in huge and fancy fonts in the order from the oldest to the youngest member.  And for each name shown, a deafening scream filled up the ballroom. I was like, "what the...?!?". There wasn't even a picture of them, it was only a NAME written on the screen and every body went crazy! It got me wondering that if I was in my late teenage year, or even early 20s, would I scream along with them too? -_-'

- For the first song, the guys showed up from behind the huge screen on the stage wearing a white suit, and my first impression was, wow... this is real! I am watching Shinhwa's concert! That's them in person! Eric is so tall! Min-woo is indeed much shorter than Eric!

- When they went to the part of the stage that was right in front of my seat block, a whole bunch of thoughts came to my mind: Damn! Eric looked so fine! Hye-Sung is very pretty! Jun Jin and Min-Woo are fairer than in TV shows! Their faces are so smooth! Eric is very very tall! They are much more handsome in reality than in pictures or tv shows!

- I actually expected to hear Hye-Sung, Andy and Eric speaking in English as I understand that they spent their teenage years in US, however among all of them, only Eric greeted the audience in English and his English is quite good, almost no accent. The only English from Hye-Sung was "What's going on?", and from Andy was "Say XXX!" (XXX is the name of Shinhwa's member). And unexpectedly, Min-Woo spoke more English words than those two, and his pronunciation was pretty good considering he has no English upbringing - maybe Eric helps with that too.

- Eric was being Eric I suppose. He didn't talk as much as Min-Woo, but he circled around the stage quite frequently, waved a lot, and he even wore a bunny-ear hairband during encore - after Min-Woo started it.

- Min-Woo was very friendly and chatty. He tried to engage the audience as much as he could, he seemed so cheerful and happy.

- Dong-Wan was not feeling well. He seemed distant and didn't talk nor smile much. His face was pale too. Poor Dong-Wan. He even said sorry for not being in his best condition for the concert.

- Hye-Sung was very very pretty! - I can't seem to get enough of saying that. Most of the time he just stood there, sang his whole heart out, and being pretty. 

- Jun Jin was not as chatty as Min-Woo, but he seemed enjoying the concert as well.

- Andy, there was one moment in the concert when everyone was walking around the stage, and Andy sat at the edge of the stage and made the girl-fans go crazy!

- I will surely attend their concert again if ever they are coming to Singapore again!

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