Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Kpop - My Guilty Pleasure

I had an ex flatmate, and at one time of her life, she was involved with a Korean guy, and then she just started to listen to anything Korean, and also watch more Korean show, from movies, dramas, to variety shows.

I remember my first reaction to her sudden change was, "what a girl would do for a guy... -_-"...

I was not a strange to Korean dramas at that time, I was actually one of the fans of Korean dramas. I find them more interesting, pretty-to-look-at, though much lesser make up than Taiwanese counterpart. But I was definitely not a fan of Kpop.

Especially when I found out that Korean music is mostly dominated by boy and girl groups, and usually only one or two of them are musically talented among bunch of other girls/boys who are there just to fill up the space on the stage/tv, dance, and most importantly, to look pretty. So you can practically sum up that I was not a fan at all of Kpop.

However, on a boring day at office, I killed time by watching some videos in Youtube, and I stumbled upon a video of 5 good looking Korean guys singing a ballad, and they were MAGNIFICENT!! I was totally floored by their performance, and they just got themselves a new fan!

Actually I had a little knowledge of this group prior to that video encounter, but I had always thought of them as one of the pretty boy groups with lack of talents. I even picked on their group name, DBSK a.k.a Dong Bang Shin Ki a.k.a The Gods Rising From The East... I thought that was the cheesiest name for a boyband (but the more I got myself involved deeper in Kpop, I realize how wrong I was - there are more groups with ridiculous names that anyone could ever think of, to name a few, Dalmatian, BTOB, SPICA, C-Real, Orange Caramel, etc).

Anyhoo, these so-called Gods of the East are indeed GOOD! not just "good" in a boyband kind of way, but they indeed have the talents. Of course few of them are more talented than the rest, but still, together their voices harmonize beautifully.

The sad thing is that I got to know them when they were on the verge of breaking up... sigh... talk about timing, huh?!?

And so long story short, now the Gods are separated into 2 different groups, named JYJ - the initial of the members' names and DBSK - yes, they keep the name though there are only 2 members now.

To be honest, I am always more into JYJ than DBSK Duo. I find that the 3 guys in JYJ are more musically talented, they have better voice, they compose their own songs, they practically own the music their producing since the split - unlike DBSK Duo which is still singing the songs that the company choose for them. Suffice to say, I appreciate singers that can actually sing and write their own music more than those who only sing (and dance). But I still listen to all of them, of course - I'm just easy like that...

Few days ago, one of JYJ members released a new music video of his solo project. His first solo album is to be released soon (if I'm not wrong). The title of his first single is Tarantallegra. If you think you ever heard that before, you might have. It's one of the spells in Harry Potter movie, which if my memory doesn't deceive me, was the spell Draco tried to cast on Harry once.

So out of curiousity, I youtube-d the video and my oh my, I was in utter shock!
Jun-su (that's his name) has changed completely from the cute and innocent image he used to have during the years with DBSK. Check it out yourself and be ready for a totally out-of-the-box kind of Kpop music video.

Is it wrong that I feel a little disturbed watching the scenes where Junsu is with orange-y hair? I got the lady-boy vibe from that scenes -_-'

Don't get me wrong, I love Jun-su dearly, and I certainly love this song, but it doesn't mean I love the whole music video when the scenes I really find disturbing to certain extent.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Online Apartment Rental for Vacation

The other day when I was browsing my regularly visited websites onestep4ward.com and solo traveler blog, I stumbled upon only-apartments website that offers service to book apartments online!

The premise is actually promising. Instead of being stuck in a small and less facility hotel room, we can rent a whole apartment/studio instead, complete with working kitchen (for some apartments), or we could just say, it's like having a fully-functional "home" overseas! And the user interface is simple and easy to use: enter the dates, choose the city, and voila! It will list down all available apartments to rent in the destination city.

This option might be good for travelers who intend to stay in one place for some time, so that they could immerse into the life of the local people, getting to know the city, or simply put, be part of the locals. This is actually something I dream to do, being in a new place and experience the life of the locals without actually "living" there. And so I tried to search my next destination for a vacation, which is Japan, but unfortunately, there aren't many available apartments in Tokyo.

I must say that only-apartments mostly caters the needs of travelers who are planning to go to Europe, seeing that there are a long list of cities/towns in Europe compared to other continents. So fret not, if you are planning to go to Europe, you might want to take a look at this website.

Then today, a friend of mine shared a link to another website that offer a similar service as only-apartments, only that this time, I manage to find more options for Asia cities - including Seoul (there's no option for Seoul in only-apartments). The website is airbnb, and how to use it is very similar to only-apartments, just enter the dates and the destination city, then the website will list down all available apartments.

One feature offered by airbnb that only-apartments doesn't have is that it allows to search without entering the dates - which is useful for travelers who are still in the planning stage and have not yet booked the tickets, or for the kind of people who always crave for traveling although the time and budget may not permit so all they can do is just browse around and search for the best deal even though there's no definite vacation plan in the future what-so-ever (read: me -_-).

So for anyone looking for apartments to rent in Asia, you may want to check airbnb, but if your next travel destination is Europe, you may want to take a look at only-apartments too.

I have no affiliation to neither of the websites, and I have never booked from them either (though I may in the future), so do check for any review of those website in the internet before you decide to book - this goes for any website where you are planning to spend money on actually.

Safe travel!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Supermoon (or sort of)

I went to Esplanade last night with a couple of friends and managed to snap a picture of MBS.

Cloudy sky @Esplanade
Then it was dawn on me that last night was the Supermoon night... However, the sky wasn't clear :(

Clouds were almost cover the whole sky, and the beautiful moon was not fully visible due to it - as it can be seen in the picture. But, the great thing was that, even though there were clouds, the sky last night was much brighter than usual, thanks to the power of Supermoon!

I'm pretty sure that today there will be thousands of Supermoon pictures from all over the world, and I can't wait to browse for more... I shall link it from here if I find them ;)

PS: as for today, I had spicy chicken ala Korea for breakfast. Yummy yummy...

Friday, May 4, 2012

Supermoon is Coming!

Moon fascinates me.

Actually not just moon, I'm fascinated by everything in the sky, the galaxy far far away~~ *star wars mode*
Cloud, sun, moon, stars, planets... Sigh... Isn't God wonderful? He creates so many beautiful things in the sky for us to enjoy, to be mesmerized...

But among all of them, I love moon the most... I feel peaceful just by looking at her... Yes I use the word "She" since I find that moon is feminine, or even goddess-like... She lights up the night in the most beautiful way, she is not as powerful or as grand as the sun who could bright up the whole world or even blind the eyes that try to look at him directly... She doesn't want to take over the sun's role, she just wants to help humans so that they won't be trapped in the darkness of the night... So she illuminates the night in the gentlest way, and just like that, she makes the night beautiful...

I read an article few days ago, and it said that a phenomenon named Supermoon is going to happen again this year, to be exact, it will happen tomorrow, 5 May 2012.

So tonight, as I'm walking home, I can't help but looking at the almost full moon... The size is already quite big! So tomorrow's moon is gonna be AWESOME!!

Let's pray that there will be a clear sky tomorrow!

(almost full) Moon in the clear sky tonight